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    International Trade Services

          In terms of international trade sector we have achieved an import and export record of 260 million US dollars in 2021. For many years, we have been focusing on the imp & exp trade and international trade support services of energy resources, oil refining industry, chemical industry, steel industry, machinery and various industrial raw materials. We have rich knowledge for international trade procedure and supply chain management.

    International Transportation Services

          We supply international imp & exp transportation services by sea, air and land, including: cargo collection, booking, warehousing, transit, container consolidation and devanning, settlement of freight and miscellaneous charges, customs declaration, inspection, insurance, related short-distance transportation services and consulting Business, international express (excluding private letters) business, operating non-vessel shipping business and general cargo transportation business (customs supervision vehicle business).

    越西县| 中西区| 若羌县| 灵宝市| 宁陕县| 平武县| 苍南县| 察隅县| 镇沅| 如皋市| 聊城市| 贵州省| 吉林省| 喀喇| 五华县| 肥西县| 綦江县| 来安县| 遵义县| 固原市| 永昌县| 仲巴县| 德昌县| 张家港市| 祁阳县| 东台市| 盐池县| 阳谷县| 分宜县| 永和县| 洛川县| 常德市| 朝阳市| 清徐县| 谢通门县| 马鞍山市| 天水市| 永川市| 兴安盟| 永嘉县| 泸西县|